Working @ Wentai

A job at Wentai Technology is more than just a job.
We value work-life balance. Discover how interesting life at our company.

Year End Party

The company hosts the annual year-end party to thank colleagues and award senior and outstanding employees.

The eye-catching evening performances by the staffs were also very much welcomed and amazing.

Team Building Activities

Organize Team-Building activities, such as company training, tug-of-war, boat rowing competition, and overseas visits, It helps to improve the team's morale enormously and develop strong teamwork relationship with colleagues.

Gathering Party

Hold staff birthday celebration parties, departmental gatherings, and have fun together with colleagues from time to time.

Fun Trips

Organize a corporate trip to broaden the horizons of employees' lives, and foster emotional engagement with other coworkers.

Benefit Upgrade

Cooperate with quality restaurants to give employees discounts. From time to time, popular food manufacturers are asked to offer free tastings and discounts to provide additional benefits for our employees.